“Please see our new Makaton page under 'Information' for our Sign of the Week.”

British Values

At The Meadows School we take seriously our responsibility to prepare young people for life in modern Britain. We ensure that fundamental British Values are discussed, promoted and lived out through the ethos and work of the school. The curriculum and extra-curricular activities provide a vehicle for experiencing these concepts and, in particular, our PSHE and Citizenship lessons provide opportunities to deepen and develop understanding. Young people embrace these concepts with enthusiasm and demonstrate a good understanding of their application to their own lives. This is evidenced by the uptake in taking on the Duke of Edinburgh Award in the Sixth Form.

Please see our case study on our involvement with the Legacy 110 project as further evidence of the importance we attach to embedding British Values.  Legacy 110 Project

The school makes considerable efforts to ensure young people have exposure to a wide experience in their local community and beyond during which these concepts are shown, through for example, cultural events, Duke of Edinburgh Awards, sporting events, a range of visits and residential trips. The values they develop give them an excellent platform for embracing difference as adults.  Gallery

British Values, Statements, Evidence and Impact

Mutual Respect and the tolerance of those with different Faiths and Beliefs

Respect is fundamental to everything we do. We believe strong relationships between young people and adults are the foundation to social and academic progress. These relationships are built upon mutual respect. We also pay explicit attention to the theme of respect as part of our RE, PHSE, and SMSC curriculum.
Respect starts with self-respect, respect for family, friends, and the local community. It includes respect for the world and its people. It includes respect for the environment both locally and globally.


  • Relationships in the school
  • The behaviour of young people
  • PSHE Sessions
  • RE sessions
  • Assemblies


  • Young people can articulate why respect is important; how they show respect to themselves and others
  • The behaviour of young people demonstrates their good understanding of this value.
  • Young people are able to talk about different faiths and cultures they learn about, ask questions and show tolerance and respect for others of different faiths and religions.


Young people see democracy in action in a variety of ways across the school.

Democracy is a value that young people meet when discussing respect and fairness.


  • The establishment of a School Council each year models the democratic process.


  • Young people are able to work cooperatively in pairs and groups to discuss issues, problems or matters that concern their peers.
  • They understand about turn taking and respecting the views of others.

Rule of Law

Young people are familiar with this concept through the philosophy that infuses the school. They are also familiar with the rule of law more broadly through discussions during lessons


  • Class Rules
  • PSHE/Citizenship lessons on the rule of law


  • Young people are able to articulate how and why we need to behave in school and demonstrate they understand and can abide by these.
  • They are able to discuss and debate philosophical issues in relation to the rule of law.

Individual Liberty

Self-respect and self-worth is fundamental to everything we do. Young people see that they are important in their own right. Young people are encouraged to develop independence and to think for themselves.


  • Young people are able to show independence in their learning and to think for themselves.


  • Young people understand about the importance of accepting responsibility and of their right to be heard in school.
  • They are consulted on aspects of school life and demonstrate independence of thought and action