“Celebrating Success and Achievement”

Internet Safety Day (12th Feb 2020) - 13/02/2020

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The theme for this year's Internet Safety Day was Online Identity. Students participated in a range of activities throughout the day.  These included a matching exercise, where pupils had to decide which situations or actions contributed to a person's online identity, and which did not; a large contribution sheet where pupils added their ideas on what was suitable to share and what was NOT appropriate to share, and an Ipad app called Interland where pupils were able to play a fun game to learn about online safety. 

Pupils all had a short turn experiencing a Virtual Reality app and headset and had the opportunity to start a #freetobeme poster which will be completed in lesson time.

Pupils also watched a short video on either "What an avatar says about you" or "Whether people are free to be themselves?’

Photos are on the Galleries page

A Coffee Morning for parents and carers on Internet Safety was also held in the Family Hub.