“Celebrating Success and Achievement”

Medals Awarded for Outdoor Learning and Bushcraft - 22/10/2020

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Although opportunities for activities have been limited this half term, Jackie Robinson, Outdoor Education leader has organised a range of outdoor pursuits within the school grounds, while maintain social distancing and strict hygiene practices. Students in some Key Stage 4 and 6th Form groups have been spending time in the great outdoors, learning a range of Bushcraft skills, and importantly, also learning soft skills such as team building, cooperation with peers and leadership.

Points have been given each week for individual effort, and this week as half term draws to a close, medals have been awarded to the top three students, in each class.

The medals have been handmade from wood cut from fallen branches, and have been classed as bronze, silver and gold, according to the ribbon colour.

Mrs Wright took great pleasure in presenting the medals to each class group, with some surprising winners. Well done everyone!

There is a trophy to ready to be given to the class who have shown the most effort and determination.


Special thanks to Jackie for organising an exciting programme and more significantly making the medals and trophy in her own time!

The competition starts again after half term; with more points to be earned and medals to be won!