“Celebrating Success and Achievement”

Sacred Space - 18/02/2019

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Last week, the team from Synapse were in school to run Sacred Space for the fourth year in a row. They set up a range of reflective activities in the nurture flat and each class had the opportunity to take part. This year, the activities were based around the colours of the rainbow with each coloured area representing a different aspect of who God is. Whether reflecting on God's creativity by making models from playdough and pipecleaners, praying for friends and family by drawing on paper chain templates or simply tasting rainbow-coloured fruit, all our pupils found the experience to be interesting and thought-provoking one and approached the activities in a respectful way. Our thanks go as always to Paul, Jane and Cate for giving up a whole week of their time for us and we look forward to welcoming them again in the future as well as every Friday lunchtime for the ever-popular 'chill and chat'.